By Andrew Bolt ~
You were told the Finkel plan pushed by the Turnbull Government would save you money. That was always unebleiveable.
But now it turns out that even Finkel had a catch that make that promise false.
Australian households would save about $90 a year, or up to $1000 on their electricity bills over a decade to 2030 under the Clean Energy Target proposed by the Finkel review of the electricity sector, compared to a business-as-usual scenario for it.
Dr Finkel’s briefing yesterday confirmed these calculations did not include the cost of his recommendation for a “reliability obligation” on new wind and solar projects to have to invest in batteries, hydro or other generators to ensure back-up power.
Judith Sloan identifies wierd assumptions in the Finkel plan.
It is a fake fix to a fake climate catastrophe. Hear it from a real climate expert, William Kininmonth, former head of the National Climate Centre:
WATCH: William Kininmonth says he believes in man-made global warming, but he doesn’t think it is dangerous. MORE at
Andrew Bolt writes for the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph, and The Advertiser and runs Australia’s most-read political blog. On week nights he hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News at 7pm and his Macquarie Radio show at 8pm with Steve Price.
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