By Andrew Bolt ~
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull claims he now has a scheme to cut electricity prices AND cut emissions. But in 2010 he said such a claim would be “delusional”. Watch.
So here we still are, paying extra under Turnbull’s scheme to meet the agreements he made under the Paris accord to cut our emissions.
No major advanced industrialized country is on track to meet its pledges [at Paris] to control the greenhouse-gas emissions that cause climate change. Wishful thinking and bravado are eclipsing reality.
And as Judith Sloan demonstrates, the more renewable energy that a country has, the higher its prices:
The countries with loads of wind farms and solar panels have the highest electricity prices.
It’s hardly surprising. Because of their intermittent nature, there is a requirement for back-up and back-up costs money. It can take the form of under-utilised synchronous power plants — nuclear (although not in Australia), coal, gas, hydro — or expensive, short-lived batteries.
Andrew Bolt writes for the Herald Sun, Daily Telegraph, and The Advertiser and runs Australia’s most-read political blog. On week nights he hosts The Bolt Report on Sky News at 7pm and his Macquarie Radio show at 8pm with Steve Price.
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